Giving back to the local community is a key part of our business and who we are as individuals. We make it a top priority to actively support nonprofit organizations in the Puget Sound region and beyond. Since our founding in 2002, The Keller Group team has given its passion, time and donations to organizations including the following:
- Avon Walk for Breast Cancer
- Boy Scouts, Chief Seattle
- Bridge of Promise
- Camp Korey
- The Children’s Museum Seattle
- City of Hope
- Eastside Catholic School
- Encompass Northwest
- Eton School
- Girl Scouts, Totem Council
- Huntington’s Disease Society of America
- Initiative for Global Development
- Medic One Foundation
- Medical Teams International
- MoPOP (Formerly EMP Museum)
- Museum of Flight, Seattle
- Overlake Foundation
- Plymouth Housing
- Rotary Club of Seattle
- The Seattle Aquarium
- Sheri & Les Biller Family Foundation
- Smile Train
- Social Justice Fund Northwest
- Susan G. Komen Foundation
- #TackleEbola
- Team Read
- Wilderness Awareness School
- Woodland Park Zoo