Two grand galas honor heroes from the past!
Before we take off for the weekend we’d like to bring your attention to one last article. Patti Payne from the Puget Sound Business Journal wrote a nice story about two recent galas that honored “those who serve, and soar.”
The first was the USO Puget Sound Area’s (USOPSA) annual gala, co-chaired by Randy and Margaret Talbot, and Betty and Kemper Freeman as honorary co-chairs. The event raised a record $500,000 dollars for USOPSA and the Wounded Warrior program. What Patti won’t tell you is that her mother co-founded the USO!
Meanwhile, The Museum of Flight was hosting their Wings of Heroes Gala, which featured a rare gathering of space legends. The event was headed by Mike Hallman, Bruce McCaw and Charles Simonyi and was organized by Museum trustee Bill Rex. The event raised $2 million for the museum’s educational programs!
If you’d like to read more – check out Patti’s full column here.