Health district supports second drug take back bill
The Central Kitsap Reporter published an article yesterday regarding the need for a safe prescription medication disposal system in Washington state, and Kitsap County in particular. County law enforcement says its resources are “strained” by the collection and disposal of prescription drugs. The Kitsap Public Health District believes that pharmaceutical companies should take on the cost burden.
The passing of Senate Bill 5234 would establish a safe drug collection and disposal program funded by the drug manufacturers themselves, and the health district’s board of directors and the Kitsap County Sheriff’s Office give their full support to this bill.
Scott Daniels, deputy director for Kitsap Public Health District explained that unused prescription medications around the home are responsible for 32 percent of child poisoning deaths in the state. Prescription medications left in homes contribute to teenage drug abuse and street sales as well as home burglaries, according to deputy Scott Wilson, spokesman for the Kitsap County Sheriff’s Office.
The session closes in two weeks, and Kitsap County officials are still trying to get more support for the bill.
For more information see the Central Kitsap Reporter article here.